Important to the mission of our Center is the education of our students. Indeed, no one department at UIC has the pool size of students and faculty necessary to support the cardiac and vascular studies needed to train our leaders for tomorrow. This goal is met through the Center by opening our classroom to students from across campus, and engaging select faculty to support this interdepartmental effort through.

Training Heading link

CCVR Sponsored - Trainee Travel Awards

The CCVR is sponsoring multiple $1000 travel stipends towards partial payment of expenses incurred by trainees while attending national scientific conference, or traveling to distant collaborating laboratories to learn new experimental methods in support of their thesis work. The travel stipends are available to current graduate students, post-doctoral trainees, and medical students. For scientific conferences, the trainee needs to be the presenting author for abstracts accepted for poster or oral presentation. The trainee must be sponsored by a CCVR faculty member, and the work must be cardiovascular based. Funds can be used for airfare, ground transportation, lodging and meals through submittal of receipts. Contact for additional information.

Graduate Degree Concentration in Cardiovascular Science

A new GEMS and  CCVR-sponsored Ph.D. program, across multiple departmental graduate degrees, enables enrollment into a specialized degree to be conferred with a focus on graduate training in cardiovascular sciences.

T32 Training Grants

There are four training grants supporting educational efforts affiliated with the Center:

  • NIH Training Program (T32) in Vascular Biology, Signaling & Therapeutics (VBST)
  • NIH Training Program (T32) in Personalized Cardiovascular Medicine (TPIPCVM)
  • NIH Training Program (T32) in Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia Training (ADRD)
  • NIH Training Program (T32) in CVD Epidemiology & Related Chronic Diseases in Minority Populations (CVD)


The University of Illinois at Chicago Medical Scientist Training Program offers exceptional students a combined training program that leads to both the MD and the Ph.D. degrees educates for careers as physician-scientists.


The Graduate Education in Medical Sciences Program at the University of Illinois at Chicago Program offers students integrated training in the biomedical sciences, leading to the Ph.D. degree.