Photo of Heydemann, Ahlke

Ahlke Heydemann, PhD

Associate Professor

Department of Physiology and Biophysics

College of Medicine


Building & Room:

COMRB 1154


909 S. Wolcott Ave. MC 901

Office Phone:


Lab Location

Building & Room:

COMRB 1148


The Heydemann lab investigates Muscular Dystrophy in preclinical mouse models of the disease. We are developing novel assays to quantify pathology, including biochemical, histological and functional assays. We are also quantitatively testing various treatments to identify the best pharmaceuticals and best treatment courses.

Research Currently in Progress

Included in the Heydemann lab’s significant muscle-related findings: We have identified that increased pAMPK protects the super healing MRL mouse strain from muscular dystrophy pathology and high-fat diet induced metabolic syndrome. The protection is coded for by both the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes of the MRL mice. We have also identified that a sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor modulator (FDA approved for MS) also benefits mice with muscular dystrophy through inhibition of the pathogenic immune responses that are always present in muscular dystrophy. We also have an exciting collaboration with the Siemionow lab. They transplant dystrophin expressing chimeric cells into mice and have evaluate the phenotypic benefits out to at least 90 days. These chimeric cells evade the immune rejection that usually accompanies transplants and have demonstrated biochemical, histological and functional benefits in skeletal muscle, the diaphragm and the heart. We continue work on these projects and others.