Photo of Jiang, Yuwei

Yuwei Jiang, PhD

Assistant Professor

Department of Physiology and Biophysics

College of Medicine


Building & Room:

COMRB 1097


909 S. Wolcott Ave. MC 901

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Lab Location

Building & Room:

COMRB 1128


The Jiang lab has broad interests in adipose tissue development, homeostasis, and expansion, with particular focus on elucidating the roles of adipose stem cells in obesity and its associated metabolic comorbidities. We aim 1) to explore the mechanisms that control adipocyte development and maintenance and 2) to understand how these mechanisms go awry in response to metabolic diseases.

The health, economic and social burdens of obesity and metabolic dysfunction are overwhelming. However, recent studies provide evidence that the answer to the obesity epidemic may reside within white adipose tissues. Within adipose tissue, tissue-resident adipose stem cells proliferate and differentiate into either white (energy-storing) or beige (energy-burning) adipocytes, which may hold therapeutic potential to curb the obesity epidemic. Recent work from us and others start to uncover the origins of adipose stem cells and their roles in the formation and maintenance of adipose tissue.

Using cutting-edge tissue specific, inducible knockout and lineage tracing mouse models, coupled with advanced genomic and imaging approaches, the Jiang laboratory is currently working on two projects: 1) the molecular underpinnings of adipose stem cell lineage control in white adipose tissue development; 2) the mechanisms of beige adipocyte development and maintenance under physiological and pathological conditions. This research will advance our knowledge on adipose stem cell biology and its controlling mechanisms, and will ultimately facilitate the development of therapies to combat obesity and metabolic disease.