CCVR Graduate Degree Concentration

The CCVR supports and oversees the NIH funded and the University of Illinois approved degree program concentration that enables graduate students (Ph.D. and M.D./Ph.D) the opportunity to receive the Ph.D. degree conferred with a concentration in Cardiovascular Science.

Important to the mission of our Center is the education of our students. Indeed, no one department at UIC has the pool size of students and faculty necessary to support the cardiovascular coursework needed to train our leaders for tomorrow. This goal is met by opening our classroom to students from across campus, and engaging select faculty to support this interdepartmental effort.

If you are a GEMS graduate student at UIC currently working in a laboratory with cardiovascular interests/research, and not familiar with the CCVR's various programs, contact us. Let's get you connected!

Michael O'Donnell, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Physiology and Biophysics
Graduate Education Director, CCVR

Graduate Degree Concentration in Cardiovascular Science Heading link

The Ph.D. Concentration in Cardiovascular Sciences is supported by two National Institutes of Health Training grants. Students enrolled in the program access courses and laboratory research training that engages them in the leading topics in current cardiovascular science, addressing fundamental mechanisms and disease processes. Students in the following graduate programs are eligible to complement their Ph.D. degree with a Concentration in Cardiovascular Science:

Participating Graduate ProgramsLevel
Physiology and BiophysicsPh.D.
Biochemistry and Molecular GeneticsPh.D.

The Center for Cardiovascular Research is a world-class center of excellence located on the Medical Campus at UIC. It brings together more than fifteen laboratories and facilities focused on defining cures for cardiovascular diseases. The CCVR supports interdisciplinary research in basic, translational and clinical cardiovascular sciences. Students will have the opportunity to complete laboratory rotations and select a laboratory and faculty advisors/mentors from the large base of CCVR sponsored laboratories. Two NIH T32 training grants in the CCVR support pre-doctoral training for this degree concentration. The Center brings together 24 faculty under an array of specialized programs and laboratories which include: Programs in Integrative Cardiac Metabolism, Sarcomere Proteomics & Cardiac Dynamics, Cardiac Electrophysiology, Pulmonary Vascular Disease & Right Heart Function, Cardiovascular Resuscitation, and laboratories of Vascular Biology and Myocyte Remodeling. This provides an excellent environment for interactive research and better training opportunities for students with the express goal of recruiting and training future talented leaders in cardiovascular science.

Students earning PhD graduate degrees in the programs listed above may complement their courses by enrolling in the Concentration in Cardiovascular Science after consulting with their graduate advisor. All students intending to complete the Interdepartmental Graduate Concentration in Cardiovascular Science are required to officially declare this intention before completion of their first year. Students are to declare their intent to enroll in this concentration in writing to the CCVR administrative unit and the student’s home department. Each student selecting the concentration must
1. complete three 10-week laboratory rotations, per departmental requirements, in CCVR-sponsored laboratories unless petitioned and waived by the CCVR and home department, and
2. select an advisor and laboratory who is affiliated with the Center for Cardiovascular Research. This advisor will oversee the completion of the concentration requirements.
3. The interdepartmental graduate concentration requires a minimum of 9 semester hours of approved electives.